Since 1954
65 years experience in the decorating industry
Expert Advice
The place where the proffessionals go.
Stores Nationwide
Eleven national stores and growing.
Open to Everyone
Not just for the trade everyone is welcome.

Contact Us
Contact Us
If you have a particular enquiry, please fill out the form below and provide as much information as you can, so that one of our representatives can deal with your enquiry as efficiently as possible.
5 Key Questions that can help when making a paint enquiry:
1. The Brand or Manufacturer you are looking for
2. Paint Finish
3. Colour
4. Can Size
5. Quantity Required
Do not worry if you don't know the answer to all these questions, they are simply to assist us in answering your enquiry.
As decorating experts our team will be more than happy to assist you with any decorating questions or problems you may have.
If you need to place an order, then please contact your Local Branch Directly using their contact details below. Or if you are looking for directions to your nearest store then use the dropdown menu.
We're National
Our Store Contact Details

Stroud (Bailey Paints)
S.G Bailey Paints,
Griffin Mill, London Road,

Torquay (Decorating Supplies)
3 Woodland Close
Old Woods Trading Est

Units 5 / 6 / 11 / 12,
Swan Business Centre,
Stephens Way,
BA12 8GH